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How to get more views on Youtube Videos? Youtube Video SEO Ranking Optimization

How to get more views on YouTube Viedeos? YouTube Video SEO Ranking Optimization

YouTube is an internet searching engine. It’s an online Social media site. However, first and foremost, YouTube is a business. More viewers equals more ads and more money. The ultimate goal of YouTube is to provide videos that users enjoy, so that they’ll stay on for as long as possible.

How do you make sure that YouTube will recognize your videos as something people enjoy? YouTube SEO!

What is YouTube Video SEO Ranking Optimization?

“Traditional” search engine optimization (SEO) is an online marketing method that employs various strategies to make websites be found — and rank highly — in search results. Google along with other search engines employ several different elements to determine if and where websites will appear in the results of a search.

YouTube, which is owned by Google is operated similarly. is an algorithm that utilizes a variety of factors like keywords and engagement metrics to determine the likelihood and location of websites to show up in results of searches.

YouTube SEO is when you will try a variety of methods to improve your video’s get a higher rank in YouTube Search results.

3.Essential YouTube Video SEO Ranking Optimization Tips

1.Utilize keywords to help viewers find your videos

Keywords are at the heart for any SEO campaign whether on YouTube or any other search engine. They help different algorithms understand the subject matter of your video to ensure that it is found by the appropriate people. On YouTube specifically, keywords should be used in your title, description tags, or within the content of the video. It is important that you mention your keywords in your videos, people.

Note: Tags don’t mean much now, so the majority of your attention should be placed on other elements to your YouTube content.

If you take a look at the most popular YouTube videos for your particular topic, do observe any frequently used words or phrases that could be added to your video? Tools such as VidIQ and TubeBuddy provide keyword research tools that allow you to find out the terms you YouTube competition is ranking on, and how difficult it is to rank for those terms. You can also utilize YouTube’s search predictions feature to see what people are searching to find videos.

When your site is starting out or doesn’t have an enormous following, you might want to steer clear of large-scale or popular terms. They can be difficult to rank for if the top videos come from channels that have a significant reach. Look for keywords with a lower volume and a lower competition score until the channel is growing.

VidIQ and TubeBuddy offer a feature that displays how difficult you have to be the keywords you want to rank for and other keywords, so make sure to check the sites when you’re looking into your subject.Also, since keywords inform YouTube what’s on your video, they can assist you in appearing in the recommended section of YouTube. This is the area of YouTube where people can get into the trap of bizarre videos. You’ve seen it before.

According to YouTube The Suggested feature is among the top methods for channels to earn views. If your keywords indicate that your content is similar to the content that people are currently watching, there’s a chance it will appear in the suggestions. This is why it’s crucial to study the most popular videos and incorporate some of the keywords in your own video.

2.Inspire people to click on your video and then watch it

If you chose the second option then congratulations! It’s a great achievement well-done. The title is…fine. It’s concise, but it’s boring. It’s also more descriptive. It will tell you precisely what to expect from the video while still remaining clear. This is a sure fire method to boost you click-through rate (CTR).

CTR, which impacts your YouTube’s ranking is a measurement that measures the portion of people who visited your video following viewing it. A higher click-through rate is a sign to YouTube that people are interested in your video so it is more likely you’ll be featured in relevant searches and recommendations. You’ll want to add pizzazz to your title, the description and your thumbnail in order to make people click.

More specifically:

  • Use descriptive power to describe your titles and descriptions.
  • Correctly portray the content of your video
  • Make thumbnails that are easy to read
  • Make use of graphic and bold colors in your thumbnails

Don’t sound like a broken record, but I want to emphasize that you must accurately reflect the contents of your video. Avoid clicking bait, this is an attempt to trick people into viewing your videos through sensationalizing or misrepresenting what’s inside the videos. Sure, some people may take a look at your video, if the title seems interesting. If they find out they’ve been misled by the title, they’ll move on. This can hurt YouTube’s YouTube optimization, which brings me to my next topic.

How long your viewers stay with your videos is a significant YouTube ranking factor. So, for a third time, be careful not to mislead your viewers. Instead, be sure to match the intent of their search, a.k.a. what people are actually searching for when they search. If you’re not oratory, make sure that the goal of your video will satisfy the needs of users. A person looking for a video tutorial on how to make cupcakes isn’t going to want to watch a 20-minute video on the benefits that rainbow sprinkles offer. If you’re trying to target an particular keyword you should note the information that the most popular videos present. It’s safe to assume that since these are at the top, they’re providing the information consumers want.

While you should not copy any of these videos word-for word, you may use them as inspiration to your own project. If your competition is an 11, you should turn your content up to 12. Do more research. Give the results of the research you’ve conducted. Find a way to satisfy people’s needs while at the same time distinguishing yourself from all other YouTubers.And my last point before we move on to the next point is to ensure that the content of your video appealing. What kind of video would you like to take a look at?

  • A ten-minute, unedited video of a person baking cake with a single camera angle and never addressing the viewer.
  • A tutorial for baking cakes that lasts 10 minutes that includes close-up shots of the process, vibrant graphics, and an explanation of each step from the video’s creator.

I’m sure you’ll choose the second option. Do not just make one continuous video and claim it’s a day. People will leave quickly regardless of how well-constructed or useful your video. Include humor in your script. Make cuts between angles of the camera. Include b-roll footage. Make use of sound effects. You can also add music. Make sure you do your best to grab people’s attention and increase their viewing time. You might just get some new subscribers with those changes, too.

What a wonderful way to get to my final point.

3.Engage viewers in your videos

I mentioned earlier that YouTube is a digital platform for social networking. What’s the most important element of social media? Engagement.

Likes, comments, new subscribers…all of these parameters play a part in the optimization of your YouTube. They inform YouTube know that users appreciate your content and find it compelling enough to make them want to share it with others. As YouTube’s primary goal is to deliver content people want to watch and your content fits that description, you’ll definitely see the view count rise. While making videos that are great naturally boosts engagement, you can do a few things that move your viewers into move. The easiest method to get comments, likes and the addition of new customers is to request them. Ask your viewers to hit the subscribe button, the like button, or both. Make a graphic for your videos to remind viewers to subscribe. Encourage comments by asking your viewers to answer an open-ended question. It is possible to add questions as a pin comment to one of your videos.

If you’re creating a YouTube video on how to rank YouTube videos, ask users how they’ve managed to ensure that their videos are on the top of results. However, if make quality videos aimed at your target group, there’s a good chance these interactions will occur without having to ask. Just make sure you respond when people respond to you. It is also possible to have follow-up questions for keeping the discussion in motion.

While I’d love to keep this conversation going, that’s all I have about how to rank on YouTube results. For more marketing knowledge you can subscribe to our channel as well as the weekly email publication, Revenue Weekly. You can also read our beginner’s guide for YouTube marketing!

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